BCI (Backpack)

These versions of BCI allows you to use a single made for the Tiptop Audio Z-DSP on your EricaSynths Black Hole DSP MK1, MK2, Pico DSP or DUAL FX modules without adding extra HP.
The Black Hole DSP MK1 version plugs on the expansion ROM connector and requires no modification.
The Black Hole DSP MK2, PicoDSP and DUAL FX versions plug to the ROM programming connectors and requires desoldering the original EEPROM which might void your warranty.
On the DUAL FX, simply remove the screw on the back of the module and detach the PCBs in order to access this component. A single EEPROM is used for both sections.
Do not try to perform this modification if you have no experience with SMT soldering.
Only the person performing the modification can be held responsible in case of trouble.
If you're not about to perform the modification yourself, go for the assembled version and don't pay more than 15€ + VAT to have it installed.
All parameters are accessible on all units, and are arranged as follows (this cannot be changed). The MK1, Pico and DUAL FX outputs will be fully wet :
Card | MK1 | MK2 | PICO | DUAL FX |
Param1 | Dry/Wet | Param1 | Dry/Wet | Dry/Wet |
Param2 | Param1 | Param2 | Param1 | Param1 |
Param3 | Param2 | Param3 | Param2 | Param2 |
On the PicoDSP the algorithms order do not go from 1 to 8. Please refer to the following table to define the correct order, based on the card's documentation :
LED color | Card algorithm # |
● | 1 |
○ | 8 |
● | 6 |
● | 2 |
● | 4 |
● | 3 |
● | 7 |
● | 5 |
Depth | 50mm |
(inc. Pico) |